Karl Schumacher Maschinenbau GmbH​

We Have Been ​
Adding Value ​
Since 1964

Karl Schumacher Maschinenbau GmbH​

​Creative ​

Karl Schumacher Maschinenbau GmbH​

Customized Solutions ​
From Experts​
For Your Automation Needs

Karl Schumacher Maschinenbau GmbH​

We Guide You ​
Through The Technology ​
To Your Targets!

Why Karl Schumacher Maschinenbau GmbH​?

With our tailor made automation solutions such as with our robotic assembly lines or with our assembly machines, we provide you your desired solution to add value to your manufacturing systems. ​

We as your solution partner guide you through the automation targets you desire.

Your Solution
Partner ​

We deliver solutions customized for your needs with our proven experience in robotics and assembly technologies.


How long we are present?

Since 1964 serving our customers world wide with our tailor made special assembly machine and robotics solutions.


For whom?

Every customer requirement is unique. From a simple manual workstation to a fully automated assembly line. In close cooperation, we help our customers to develop systematic solutions for work processes.

Thanks to our agile processes, we "carry the future".